Yishu - Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art

Professor Chiang Hsun, a renowned Taiwanese writer, poet and painter, to give a lecture entitled “The Awakening of the Body” at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver on August 30th, 7PM

Friday, August 24th, 2012

Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art is honored to have invited Professor Chiang Hsun, a renowned Taiwanese writer, poet and painter, to give a lecture entitled “The Awakening of the Body” at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver on August 30th, Thursday, at 7pm.

Professor Chiang Hsun was born in China’s ancient capital Xi’an in 1947 and graduated from the Department of History and the Graduate Institute of Arts at the Chinese Culture University. He also obtained a degree from the Graduate School of Arts at the Université de Paris in 1976. He was the former editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine Lion Art and has taught at the National Taiwan University, Chinese Culture University, and Fu Jen Catholic University. He was Chairman of the Department of Fine Arts at Tunghai University, Taiwan for seven years, and was a resident artist at the National Sun Yat-sen University and the National Chengchi University. He taught the lecture series entitled “When Eastern Beauty Meets Western Beauty” at Soochow University, China. Currently based in Taipei, he writes, paints, and actively promotes art and aesthetics.

Professor Chiang immerses his life in aesthetics, dedicating every moment of his life to appreciating, sharing and promoting beauty. He lives his life to the fullest—exploring the full spectrum of human emotions and sensibilities, fervently urging and expecting everyone to be his/her own self. His lectures have been well-received in China, Taiwan and the greater Chinese diaspora.

Event: August 30th, Thursday, 7PM

Venue: South Building #301 – Lecture Theatre, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, 1399 Johnston Street (on Granville Island)

Free admission. Lecture will be conducted in Chinese. To reserve a seat, please contact Miss Greta Ho at ho.greta@gmail.com or 604.649.6782.



著名美學家蔣勲教授應 Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art (典藏國際版)邀請,將於本月30日晚上7時在本市格蘭胡島 Emily Carr University of Art and Design演講,講題為「肉身覺醒」。



時間:8月30日星期四 晚上7時正。

地點:South Building #301 – Lecture Theatre, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, 1399 Johnston Street (on Granville Island)

演講用中文,免費入場。但座位有限,敬請預先登記。報名和查詢請E-mail至ho.greta@gmail.com或電604-649-6782 洪小姐。

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