Yishu is pleased to present our special issue Artist Initiatives in Asia during the Institutions by Artists Conference in Vancouver. The book launch will take place at Simon Fraser University Woodland’s Print Centre on October 13th, at 1pm. Guest-editor Biljana Ciric and editors Keith Wallace and Kate Steinmann will be there to present this special issue. Hope to see you there!
Date: October 13th, 1pm
Venue: Goldcorp Centre for the Arts lobby, SFU Woodward’s Print Centre, 149 West Hastings Vancouver, Canada
About Institutions by Artists Conference: Print Centre
During its upcoming Institutions by Artists conference, Fillip will present a series of parallel events in the lobby of SFU Woodward’s that investigate the material culture produced by the institutional practices of artists. The Print Centre will feature talks, launches, and screenings by conference presenters and attendees. These events are free and open to the public—everyone is welcome.
The programme will be presented alongside a temporary bookstore organized in collaboration with Motto Books, Berlin.
Oct. 12, 1 pm
Launch: Donato Mancini
Resources, a print series commissioned by Malaspina Printmakers in conjunction with the Institutions by Artists conference
Oct. 12, 5 pm
Talk: Sean Dockray
“AAAAARG! Five Failures”
Oct. 12, 6 pm
Talk: Charlotte Cheetham
“Curating Graphic Design”
Oct. 13, 1 pm
Launch: Yishu magazine
Special issue on “Institution for the Future” with guest-editor Biljana Ciric and editors Keith Wallace and Kate Steinmann
Oct. 13, 5 pm
Free Screening: Crass: There Is No Authority but Yourself
A document of the radical politics and work of the anarchist punk band Crass and the pacifist commune Dial House, founded by its members in 1967 (In the Cinema, 2nd floor)
Oct. 13, 6 pm
Talk: “A Story of the Museum of American Art” (Berlin)
A Museum technician outlines the trajectory of an educational institution dedicated to assembling, preserving, and exhibiting memories—primarily those of the prewar MoMA.
Oct. 14, 1 pm
Launch: This Book is a Classroom
Passenger Books with former Bauhaus student Otti Berger (embodied by T’ai Smith) introducing her Bindungslehre, or textile pedagogy
Commission: Slide Shows
As part of the Print Centre, Fillip presents Slide Shows, a specially commissioned project by French curator Charlotte Cheetham. Taking the form of an ongoing series of video presentations by publishers, designers, and artists, Slide Shows offers one possible cross section of a newly emergent landscape of contemporary art publishing. The project includes contributions by AND Publishing, An Endless Supply, Michalis Pichler, Elias Redstone, James Langdon, and David Senior, among others.
For more info, please visit: http://arcpost.ca/conference