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1Chang Fang-Wei
Chang Fang-Wei is the director of the Biennial and International Projects Office, Taipei Fine Arts Museum. She was chief curator of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum from 2002 to 2008 and organized the 1996 to 2012 Taipei Biennials. She now works as an in-house curator, collaborating with the Taipei Biennial curators. She also organized the Taiwan Pavilion exhibition of the Venice Biennial from 1997 to 2011, working with five Taiwanese curators. She was the commissioner of the 53rd Venice Biennial (2009), Taiwan Pavilion.
Total: 1
Pages: 1
Case Studies: Asia-Pacific—Part B. Taipei Biennial
Volume 12, Number 3, May/June 2013
by Chang Fang-Wei
Volume 12, Number 3, May/June 2013
by Chang Fang-Wei
Total: 1
Pages: 1