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1Geeta Kapur
Geeta Kapur is a Delhi-based critic and curator. A widely anthologized author, her books include Contemporary Indian Artists (1978), When Was Modernism: Essays on Contemporary Cultural Practice in India (2000), and Critical Inscriptions in Contemporary Art (forthcoming). She was founder-editor of Journal of Arts & Ideas and an advisory editor to Third Text and Marg. Her curatorial projects include Dispossession, Johannesburg Biennale (1995), Century City: Bombay/Mumbai, Tate Modern, UK (co-curation, 2001), subTerrain, House of World Cultures, Berlin (2003), and Aesthetic Bind, Chemould, Mumbai (2013–14). She was a jury member of the Venice, Dakar, and Sharjah Biennales
Total: 3
Pages: 1
Asian Art Council Roundtable 3: The 1955 Bandung Conference—Alternative Postwar Histories
Volume 14, Number 3, May/June 2015
by Geeta Kapur, Erin Supriyanto, Zheng Shengtian, Alexandra Munroe
Volume 14, Number 3, May/June 2015
by Geeta Kapur, Erin Supriyanto, Zheng Shengtian, Alexandra Munroe
Guggenheim Museum’s Asian Art Council Symposium Part 2: Asian Art in Context: A Nation-Based, Inter-Asia, or International Paradigm?
Volume 7, Number 4, July/August 2008
by Alexandra Munroe, Geeta Kapur, Wang Hui, Yuko Hasegawa, David Joselit
Volume 7, Number 4, July/August 2008
by Alexandra Munroe, Geeta Kapur, Wang Hui, Yuko Hasegawa, David Joselit
Guggenheim Museum’s Asian Art Council: Contemporary Reflections on Modernity in Asia
Volume 9, Number 3, May/June 2010
by Xu Bing, Layla S. Diba, Geeta Kapur, Midori Matsui, Alexandra Munroe
Volume 9, Number 3, May/June 2010
by Xu Bing, Layla S. Diba, Geeta Kapur, Midori Matsui, Alexandra Munroe
Total: 3
Pages: 1