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1Kao Chien-hui
Kao Chien-Hui is an art critic, history scholar, and curator. Her research interests include ink art, modern art history, art criticism, and contemporary Asian art. Over the past ten years, her published books have included The Production Line of Contemporary Art—Cases of Creative Practice And Social Engagement; Unsilent Words—Text and Its Productive Context of Art Criticism; Beyond Interpretation—Society of Art Criticism and the Modern Avant-garde Movement; Third Wing-Art Concept and Its Discontents; Trans-passing—Special Studies on Contemporary Asia art in 2010s; Biennale Fever—The Alternative Voice of Politics: Aesthetics and Institutes. Currently, she is a visiting professor in the Doctoral Program in Art Creation and Theory, Tainan National University of the Arts.
Total: 2
Pages: 1
The Rise of Minimalism-based Postnatural Aesthetics: “Observing the Vibration Ability of Air Plant by Adopting a Playful, ‘Game-oriented’ Perspective”
Volume 18, Number 3, May/June 2019
by Kao Chien-Hui
Volume 18, Number 3, May/June 2019
by Kao Chien-Hui
Who’s Speaking? Who’s Listening? The Post-colonial and the Transnational in Contestation and the Strategies of the Taipei Biennial and the Beijing International Art Biennale
Volume 8, Number 1, January/February 2009
by Kao Chien-hui
Volume 8, Number 1, January/February 2009
by Kao Chien-hui
Total: 2
Pages: 1