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1Shao Yiying
Shao Yiyang is a professor of art history and theory, deputy chair of School of Humanities at the Central Academy of Fine Art in Beijing, and a member of Chinese CIHA executive committee. She received her Ph.D. in 2003 from the Art History and Theory Department at the University of Sydney. The topic of her thesis is Chinese art institutions and modern art from 1980 to 2000. Since 2004, she has been teaching in the Art History Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. Her research focuses on global modern/contemporary art and theory. Shao Yiyang was Chair of a session at the CIHA Congress in Beijing (2016). She presented papers on Chinese modern art at the 32nd CIHA Congress in Melbourne (2008), 33rd CIHA Congress in Nuremburg (2012), and the 29th art history conference organized by Verband deutscher Kunsthistoriker (Association of German Art Historians) in Regensburg, 2007. She was a participant in the CAA–Getty International Program in 2015 and 2017. Her publications in Chinese include books such as Global Perspectives in Contemporary Art (2019); The 20th Century: Modern and Contemporary Art (2018); Beyond Postmodern (2012); and Art after Postmodern (2008).
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