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1Yuen Fong Ling
Yuen Fong Ling is an artist based in Glasgow. He was a recipient of the Woo Arts Traineeship Scheme from Arts Council England and was based at Cornerhouse and Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester, from 1996 to 1998. He was Curator and later Co-Director (Programme) for Castlefield Gallery, Manchester, from 1999 to 2005. He is currently at the Glasgow School of Art in the Master of Fine Art program and participated in an exchange program at Hunter College, New York, in 2006.
Total: 1
Pages: 1
About Arrivals and Departures: New Perspectives on Hong Kong Art
Volume 6, Number 2, June 2007
by Howard Chan, Sally Lai, Yuen Fong Ling, Siu King-Chung
Volume 6, Number 2, June 2007
by Howard Chan, Sally Lai, Yuen Fong Ling, Siu King-Chung
Total: 1
Pages: 1