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HistoriCITY—A Roundtable on Art Historical Writing in and on Hong Kong
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HistoriCITY—A Roundtable on Art Historical Writing in and on Hong Kong

Volume 7, Number 1, January/February 2008
by Chang Tsong-zung, Christina Chu, Pamela Kember, Koon Yee Wan, Lu Peng, Frank Vigneron, Wan Qingli

Article Description

An Asia Art Archive roundtable discussion on art historical writing as it pertains to Hong Kong. This event was timely in its emphasis on the difficulties of writing representative histories in contemporary times, as well as bringing attention to the complexities and differences between the specificities of Hong Kong’s art history and those of mainland China or Taiwan.

Related Keywords

Historicity, formalism, contextualism, hybridization, labelling, modernism, roundtable, art historical writing, Hong Kong/China, East/West, Tradition/Modernity, Asia Art Archive, Chang Tsong-zung, Christina Chu, Pamela Kember, Koon Yee Wan, Frank Vigneron, Wan Qingli, Lu Peng