System and Style in the Practice of Chinese
Contemporary Art: the Disappearing Exterior?
Volume 1, Number 2, August 2002
by John Clark
Article Description
John Clark discusses the system and style in the practice of Chinese contemporary art. The early twenty-first century forms a particularly opportune moment to look back in very broad
terms at the inter-relation between different art discourses in China. These discourses have often been driven by two kinds of distinct but related historicist motivations: Firstly, there are those of “national” or “Maoist” “revolutionism”.
Secondly, there are those of economic and cultural “developmentalism”. Underlying these first two historical discourses have been two others: that of the “public” and that of the “private,” which only now have been allowed a
greater prominence.
Related Keywords
John Clark, style, system, art practice, contemporary Chinese art, revolutionism, developmentalisim, public, private, Contemporary Chinese Art in the International Arena, British Museum, London
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