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1Daina Augaitis
Daina Augaitis has been Chief Curator and Associate Director at the Vancouver Art Gallery in Canada since 1996. She was formerly the director of the Visual Arts Program at The Banff Centre for the Arts
(1992–95) and has held curatorial positions at Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff (1986–92); Western Front, Vancouver (1983–86); Convertible Showroom, Vancouver (1984–86); and Franklin Furnace, New York (1982). Over the past decade, she has organized numerous solo exhibitions of artists such as Rebecca Belmore (co-curated with Kathleen Ritter), Song Dong, Stan Douglas, Brian Jungen, Muntadas, Gillian Wearing, and Paul Wong. Many of her group exhibitions have explored socially based ideas, including Visceral Bodies (2010) and the collaborative project Baja to Vancouver: The West Coast and Contemporary Art (2004). She has curated spoken word, pirate radio, and performance art projects and has organized thematic residencies for artists and curators. Augaitis was Canadian Commissioner for the Bienal de São Paulo (2002), the Sydney Biennial (2000), and the Johannesburg Biennale (1995). She has edited anthologies and written numerous catalogue essays and has participated in national art juries and made presentations internationally.
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