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1Doryun Chong
Doryun Chong is Associate Curator of Visual Arts at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, where he has organized House of Oracles: A Huang Yong Ping Retrospective (with Philippe Vergne, 2005) and Brave New Worlds (2007). He is currently working on Tetsumi Kudo: Garden of Metamorphosis, the first U.S. museum exhibition of the late Japanese artist. He was also a co-curator of the Busan Biennale 2006 in Busan, South Korea
Total: 2
Pages: 1
A Specific Voice: A Conversation Between Cao Fei and Doryun Chong, with Contributions from Hu Fang, Zhang Wei, and Keith Wallace
Volume 7, Number 4, July/August 2008
by Cao Fei, Doryun Chong, Hu Fang, Zhang Wei, Keith Wallace
Volume 7, Number 4, July/August 2008
by Cao Fei, Doryun Chong, Hu Fang, Zhang Wei, Keith Wallace
The Return of the Individual: A Home Conversation at the Beijing Pavilion
Volume 7, Number 3, May/June 2008
by Cao Fei, Doryun Chong, Hu Fang, Zhang Wei, Keith Wallace
Volume 7, Number 3, May/June 2008
by Cao Fei, Doryun Chong, Hu Fang, Zhang Wei, Keith Wallace
Total: 2
Pages: 1