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1Yuan Fuca
Yuan Fuca is a Chinese writer, curator, and researcher based in Beijing. She earned her M.F.A. in Art Criticism and Writing from School of Visual Arts, New York City. Her writing, interviews, and exhibition reviews have appeared in ARTnews, Artforum, Art World, Flash Art, LEAP, Art Asia Pacific, Modern Painters Magazine, and T: The New York Times Style Magazine, among other publications. She was the curator of Soft Haze, New York (2016), and co-curator of Towards the Emergence of Resistance, Beijing (2016). Yuan co-founded Salt Projects, a research-based curatorial institute in Beijing. She has been preparing to launch Commonplace, a magazine dedicated to artist writing.
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Pages: 1
Notch the Boat to Find the Sword: Fei Dawei on Archiving the ’85 New Wave Movement and Beyond
Volume 16, Number 4, July/August 2017
by Yuan Fuca
Volume 16, Number 4, July/August 2017
by Yuan Fuca
Total: 1
Pages: 1