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Canada Goose Get daily updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailThis is the horrific moment a car sped down a street and ploughed into anti Nazi activists, leaving at least one protester dead, after a white supremacist rally descended into a mass brawl.Many viewers claim the new footage proves the vehicle deliberately targeted ‘peaceful’ protesters amid the violence in Charlottesville in Virginia, US, today.Some have described the collision as “deliberate terrorism” and have called on officials and US President Donald Trump to “treat it” as a terror attack.After smashing into the activists, the car was filmed reversing back down the street at speed, with a single, red shoe flying out from under its wrecked bumper.The city’s mayor, Mike Signer, confirmed that at least one person was killed in the shocking incident, tweeting: “I am heartbroken that a life has been lost here.”He also said he was “furious and heartsick” after the “car crash”.Devastated witnesses say the vehicle mowed down dozens of demonstrators, leaving nearly 20 others, possibly including children, injured.Other footage showed the street spattered with blood following the smash.The incident came after a fight broke out between thousands of white marchers and counter protesters this morning ahead of the “Unite the Right” rally.Dramatic footage showed attendees some, carrying Confederate flags running towards each other and throwing punches as the two sides clashed.Water bottles were reportedly hurled from both sides, while men dressed in military style uniforms were seen carrying rifles and shields in the area.Other clips showed chemical sprays and smoke bombs being used. A number of people were seen receiving medical treatment in the street.Journalist Alex Rubinstein tweeted: “I just watched a car plow through dozens of protesters. Extremely heavy injuries, possible casualties.”Bo Erickson, of CBS News, also reported that there were “multiple injuries”, while one Twitter user posted: “Word on the scene is at least 1 person is dead.”A fourth user, Brennan Gilmore, wrote: “Video of car hitting anti racist protestors Canada Goose.

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